Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Scientists vs. The Mayans

So my dumb ass got all caught up with researching the date December 21, 2012. According to the Mayan calendar, which ends on that date, that is supposedly when the world in going to end, whether it be by a natural catastrophe or by man's hand. Then you have a handful of other myths following this same path from the Bible Code and Nostrodamus. You have NASA and affliated scientists who say that the Earth will come approximately 30,000 miles close to a deadly asteroid if not collide with it, in the year 2028. British scientists say the same thing only for the year 2019. Here are my issues: One: no one really knows when the world is going to end. Two: why in God's name are people so adamant on creating such chaos, mass hysteria and panic with the public? And three: I don't want to die (not like I can help it of course) until I'm well into my 70's. I'm scared shitless when it comes to death. I want to be able to get old with my wife - have that family we always talk about. The reason why I'm so afraid of death and end of the world crap is because of exactly that. I'm so afraid that I won't get to accomplish all that I ever aspire to do. Whenever we talk about long term future plans, I get this lump in my throat and nasty gnawing feeling in the pit of my stomach because I'm always afraid that we won't live long enough to see those things happen. I don't care if you think I'm sick in the head for feeling this way, but it's the truth. No one wants to world to end and no one wants to die, unless they have their own personal reasons for wanting to... but I for one want to fall in a different category. All I can do is try to stop thinking about it, but it's so difficult when you have people posting websites left and right covering more about the gruesome end we may face, rather than seeing people give any alternative facts or ideas to list the cons of those sick myths. Yes. I'm freaking out... Quietly.

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