Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Rain = puddles as Car = wet pants

We got hit with two storms back to back over this past weekend in Portland, OR and surrounding areas. When Monday morning came along, I walked to my bus stop as usual. The rain and wind was still kickin' good. When I reached the corner that I normally cross to get to my bus stop, it was flooded - the rain reached my ankles. When I looked at the other corners to see if I could cross elsewhere to avoid treading through waters, it was no use. The worse part was in fact at my actual bus stop. The water reached 2 inches above my ankles because the storm drain was backed up. On top of that, every car that drove by saw the water and still drove through it like maniacs, causing my pants to become soaked up to my knees. I yelled and cussed out at several drivers because there was nothing else better for me to do. Why drive through thick, raging puddles knowing someone is standing right there and there's nowhere else for them to go? Think you're cute? Fuckers...

Deadbeat employer feels need to protect themselves from what they lost

So one of my best friends quit her job today. It's something that's been on her mind for quite a while for similar reasons why I left the same company. The most pathetic thing they could do (and they did do this) was escort her off property. It's like implying that she's a threat to the place. For God's sakes, the woman is leaving because your company is pathetic. There's nothing more precious to this company except their money. They care more about what they consider to be a threat to their name than someone who was worked to the bone, gave a crap about their job and did their damndest to make it into a better place. This large, worldwide property company has got to be the worst company I ever worked for. You bring up a situation that pertains to slander and heresay, they immediately dismiss it. But once you get an audit and you fuck up on it, EVERYONE'S heads roll. It doesn't matter if just one person is at fault.

My friend gets escorted off the property (she didn't break any laws, didn't steal or anything); within 10 minutes of submitting her resignation, her phone was disconnected. Talk about not wasting time!!! Don't these people have anything else better to do?!?