Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Restroom sharing doesn't mean to leave a surprise behind.

I never, ever had a problem sharing the bathroom with family... EVER. There were many jobs I held in the past where the restrooms were impeccably clean and elegantly sweet-smelling. There were jobs where the restroom situation was that of a port-o-potty from the Dyke March in San Francisco... mostly because the the job site was under construction. When I worked at the SF Hilton as a security guard, I had the pleasant experience of having to help with a biohazard clean up because of blood that was smeared all over the door, handicap handles and on the floor... but NOT on the toilet! Well, in my job now, I have the pleasant experience of seeing droplets of piss being left behind... And sometimes even fucking pubic hair. I may be in charge of cleaning up a lot of things, but I will NOT clean the toilet. That's why we have a janitorial service twice a week. But damn! I want to use the toilet... and we don't have seat covers! Well, squatting is good for the legs I suppose. My thing is, if you use it, you clean it. The best thing that comes out of the restroom is the fact that the men remember to lower the seat when they're done.

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