Thursday, November 22, 2007

Haunting flashbacks of high school

Not exactly a thought that I want to bring up on Thanksgiving Day, but what the hell. You know when you have dreams while you're in a deep sleep... only that they're not dreams but vivid and detailed flashbacks of things that have happened to you? Well, I woke up at 7:30 this morning to use the bathroom and went back to bed thinking I can sleep for about another hour. And I did. I started to have flashbacks of the clique I used to hang around with during Junior and Senior year of high school; I started to remember where each of my lockers were located. Then I had a vision of myself standing before the group of girls (it was an all-girl high school) saying sorry to them that I shouldn't have apologized for. It had to do with plans for prom, I remember that much. But was pissed me off was that after giving an uncalled-for heartfelt apology, they all (all 7 of them) laughed in my face and disregarded everything. That led me to simply walking away from them in a huff and I never hung around with them again. For the last two months of my Senior year, I had no friends. I graduated a happy girl because I couldn't wait to leave those bitches behind. Come to find out that many of the girls went out talking behind my back for all four years because they all thought I was odd... An extremist... And gay. They all swore that I would be miserable and saw to it that I would at least get to suffer in high school. Well, needless to say I did suffer is some ways, but that's all a part of growing up isn't it? Thankfully (okay, maybe it does have something to do with Thanksgiving) enough, what they did to me helped me to be a stronger person, which made me what I am and who I am today. A happy, loving, caring person. Happy Thanksgiving everyone!