Monday, October 29, 2007

Office Manager = Office Monkey

I don't remember "babysitter" being a part of my job description. If anything, I'm supposed to knit-pick them for causing too much spending on office supplies, not about making them do the dishes or not being willing to use Tylenol because they MUST have Advil. Jesus, people! We're trying to make plans on what to do for our Holiday dinner this year, but it's ultimately up the big boss on where we're going and when. Unfortunately, I can't force an answer out him, however, he knows that I need one and he knows I've been working on ideas. Meanwhile, I've got people coming to me whining about "Well when? Where? Why don't you know already? We need to figure this out now before it gets too late!" Guess what people? IT'S NOT UP TO ME AND YOU KNOW IT! So, leave me the hell alone! I've got my own shit to worry about!

So-called friends need etiquette lessons

I'm to assume that when someone considers themselves a friend to you, that means they will be exactly that, a friend. That means, they call you, or email you, or come visit you when they have time. It's been well over a year since I got married and they were IN my wedding and over three months since I moved from my hometown... there are people who are on Yahoo IM and they see me as available, but do they even say, "Hey! How's it going?" Nope! They sit there like a total stranger. This has been going on for as long as I can remember. There's too... they don't get in touch through that either! Do me a favor people... don't say you're my friend and then drop from the face of the earth - not to mention talk smack behind my back. A pox on your other friendships! I bet mildew on the walls from humidity make better friends than you!