Wednesday, February 20, 2008

State vs. Church, again, and again, and again...

You know, after reading up on how and when God was included in the Pledge of Allegiance. This was originally authored by a Christian Socialist author and Baptist minister Francis Bellamy on September 7, 1892 and was meant to be simply: "I Pledge allegiance to my Flag, and to the Republic for which it stands: one Nation indivisible, With Liberty and Justice for all." But then the group called Knights of Columbus, based out of New York felt the need to add a sense of deity, hence the words, "under God." Then there's the the line "In God we trust" on our currency. So much for holding up the Separation of Church from State.

A nobody-atheist in CA is in the progress of filing a lawsuit because of his daughter being forced to recite the Pledge of Allegiance and since "In God we Trust" is all over our money, he feels his rights have been violated. I've got the perfect solution. USE MONOPOLY MONEY! The government has kept things a certain way to follow tradition, etcetera, etcetera, blah blah blah. So why in the hell are people feeling the need NOW to make a big deal about this crap? Are they that needy for attention? Hell, just don't recite the damn thing and don't use money! It's as simple as that!

"History... Will... Absolve me!"

Fidel Castro is fiddlin' on his fiddle of "woe is me" at home now that he has stepped down as Cuba's notorious ruler after nearly 50 years of ruthless dictatorship. The people of Cuba may say they love the man for what he did, but how many times were they threatened if they were to say otherwise?

Castro is said to have resigned due to his continuing failing health. The man is at the ripe age of 81 years. He could've stepped down decades ago, but as the saying goes, "Power never quenches your thirst." He needed more and it was never enough. Let's see... In 2004 he broke his knee and fractured his arm in a fall during a televised public speech. In August 2006 he “temporarily” handed over power to his brother, defense minister Raúl, after an operation to stop intestinal bleeding. There are still lingering problems related to his intestinal health. Will history truly absolve this Cuban so that he can be recognized more for doing good than harm? Or will this new situation shed light and have karma give him several swift kicks in the arse?