Thursday, November 29, 2007

Sick in the head? Perhaps...

So I'm going around thinking that something's seriously wrong with, esp. after describing my symptoms to a doctor over the phone. Although it was only a "half diagnosis" because I hadn't had any official tests run on me, the doc's words were still scary nonetheless. It's practically a lost cause because I can't even talk about it with my loved ones. You see, I'm a hypochondriac. Hypochondriacs always think the worse and have the tendency to think they're dying of something as serious as Cancer, etc. Therapy for such a condition involves being able to talk about what's on their mind and being able to literally "feel the release" by doing so. I've also been meditating/ praying. But the part that fucks with my head the most is the fact that I still can't talk about it with the people I love the most because my cries of worry are ignored. I most likely brought this on myself because I'm a crybaby when it comes to not feeling well. Could it be that their reactions are adding to the negative way my health feels because I'm not getting the help I need? Perhaps... or perhaps this really is all in my head... quite literally. One thinks that I'm crying for attention. I get attention 24/7 so I don't feel the need for it. I really think I someone to screw my head on right and tell me, "It's okay. Just let it out. Tell me why you feel this way. Why do you think you're sick? What makes you say that? What do you think you need to do to take care of this?" No. That's not what happens. That's the problem. Nothing happens. I just continue to live in fear. I could easily pick up my Happy Meal ass and run to a doctor's office and ask for a head-to-toe physical to make sure I'm just peachy-keen... but even that takes money, another thing I don't have. Talk about whining... Jesus. Someone, call the Whaaaambulance for me.