Friday, September 21, 2007

San Francisco goes back to the Dark Ages

In late October, San Francisco will be turning out the lights to both the Bay Bridge and Golden Gate Bridge, Alcatraz Island, City Hall and most municipal buildings and will keep them that way for an hour to help promote a campaign to conserve energy and fight global warming. Well, considering that I used to live in the SF area for over 20 years I can say this: they need to do this for more than a fucking hour. If they were smart, that need to do this for 7 hours - 1 hour each day of the week. The way the people live and work in the City, and hour won't even cause a dent. Their goal is 15% conservation of electricity that is normally used on a Saturday night. Here's an idea: Shut down all the night clubs early! Maybe that'll also help lessen crime and accidents from intoxicated assholes roaming the streets in one clean swipe!

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