Friday, September 21, 2007

The best way to show off to your girl is to shove a live snake in your mouth

A Portland, OR guy found a 20-inch rattler off a highway and took it home with him. To show off to his ex-girlfriend (did he really think this would win her back?), he decided to grow a set of balls and stuck the snake in his mouth. The snake got smart and grabbed a hold of the guy's tongue (probably tried to mate with it). Yes, the guy was drunk... not just on a 6-pk but had a mix of stuff. His tongue was swollen and blocked his airways - the nice ex took him to the hospital since she was the only sober one (they were at a friend's BBQ). The tongue was so swollen that doctors couldn't put a breathing tube down his throat and had to go into his chest.

Didn't mommy ever tell you not to put anything flammable, poisonous or sharp in your mouth? Well snakes are included dumb-ass! A nice round of applause (and 10 out of 10) for Mr. Wilkinson of Portland, OR... no one said we were perfect out here. But as we like to say, "KEEP PORTLAND WEIRD!"

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