Thursday, December 6, 2007

Why my last two employers can't keep good employees

They are full of Performace Inhibitors (mostly the head managers at the property I worked at in Palo Alto, CA):

1.) Culture is non-commercial, non-competitive, and non-profit oriented
2.) The urge to achieve outstanding results is not great and people seldom persist in the face of difficulties.
3.)there is little opportunity for taking on leadership responsibilities or directing other people.
4.) Self-Confidence is equated with arrogance and denigrated, and people are discouraged from taking control of their own workload.
5.) There are few opportunities for analyzing and solving problems.
6.) Conventional attitudes prevail, traditional approaches are preferred and people are discouraged from generating new ideas.
7.) The focus is short rather than longer term, tactical rather than strategic.
8.) Influence is by means of command and control rather than by persuasion and negotiation.

If only I could tell you which companies these are, I would because I would never want to wish this on anyone. It really is hell on Earth.

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