Friday, December 14, 2007

Our Nation's Veterans have no place in the working world

Recently, a friend of my partner's was venting about applying for work at placed like Fred Meyer's, Albertson's, etc. These people tell him that they won't hire him because he has no work experience. What the fuck people! The man fought for our country in Iraq because of our brainless president! How can you sit there and say he has no work experience! It takes a big set of balls and the guts to joing the military and be sent off to another country and engage the enemy in combat for something they may or may not believe in. One thing's for sure: he fought that we may continue to have the freedom we bask in day in and day out and take for granted. It's idiots like the hiring people who don't put this into consideration. I bet if the roles were reversed they'd think twice. I just pray that he can find a job sooner or later. The same happened to my dad when he retired from the Air Force. After serving his country for over 25 years, no one in San Francisco wanted to hire him. He finally landed a security job because the security and public safety industries like people with military and law enforcement background. The downfall however is the same as the military - you gain health issues and aren't taken care of properly.

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