Thursday, December 27, 2007

There is a reason for a 15-day absence

It's called vacation! Duh people, get with the program!

No really... it's been all work, work, work up until last Friday. What made things worse was that I was totally trying to fight the flu bug that had been floating around and people in the office were still making me go out in the pouring rain to buy them goodies for the last get-together before the office was shut down for the Holidays. I wasn't even going to stick around for it but they wanted me to buy them shit anyway. They saw and heard how sick I was but they didn't care. They just wanted their damn beer and chips. Instead I managed to coax one of my co-workers into getting the stuff since she had her heart set on having wine. After Friday, I was free of misery! Well, for the most part. I still had to deal with the Holiday shoppers. Even with great sales and deals, people were still bitchy as ever.

Putting aside that I was visited by a friend who is also a celebrity, I was still, quite frankly, very annoyed that I didn't get to see my parents for the Holidays. It did, on the upside, snow on Christmas Day. It wasn't even half an inch, but it was enough to make up for all the bullshit I had to go through leading up to the day.

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