Monday, November 5, 2007

Tooth extraction extravaganza!

I've heard horror stories of when people had to get a tooth pulled at the dentist. I walked into my appointment this past Thursday hoping for the best under the impression I was going to be given Nitrous. I had Pink Floyd's Dark Side of the Moon downloaded on my MP3 player and I was ready to fly. Doc gave me not one, not two, but five shots to numb me up. What's weird is that I didn't feel any prickling pain from the needle entering my gum so that was nice for a change. But when she pulled out the apparatus to use for pulling the tooth out, I was already numbed up with my mouth wide open so I couldn't say, "Wait! Where's my nitrous?!" One of dental assistants came out to see how I was doing and said, "Oh dear, we were supposed to give you nitrous weren't we?" I nodded my head as little as I could since the doc had my "open" so to speak. Doc looked down at me and said "Why did you say anything you silly thing?!" I said, with what tongue feeling I had left, "I couldn't!" They all laughed. Well I'm glad they all had a blast at my expense! So instead, doc gave me another two shots that got my all groggy. The left side got so numbed up that my left eyelid didn't even close all the way when I would blink. I looked like a freak! When the yanking of the tooth happened, I could hear the grinding and feel the pulling... I started to tremble. It was so surreal. No pain, yet I was freaking out! I shook until five minutes into her chat with the assistant she decided to say, "Your tooth is out by the way," and proceeded to play with my cheeks! WTF?

I left the office looking even more freakish with my left cheek so swollen that I could see it as I looked down. Every person on the streetcar that I took to go to Rite Aid to get my prescription kept looking at me. I felt like saying, "What, you've never seen someone with a sack of marbles in their mouth before?"

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