Thursday, October 11, 2007

Etiquette for idiots: Birthday and Wedding presents

For those who have no manners or are just plain dumb:

If you have been invited to a wedding, remember that you are eating a free meal and drinking free alcohol. In turn, buy the couple a freakin' wedding present! Don't just show up and say "thanks for invite!" Even a card is good... to show that you're acknowledging a once in a lifetime event.

Birthday presents aren't always necessary for those who aren't so picky and choosey. Cards make most people happy - even flowers or a little something that's homemade. If you really forget, the belated cards are always helpful. But if you have someone in your life that you deem to be important but really can't buy a thing for them, pick up the damn phone and call a bitch up! Especially if they remember your birthday every year without fail... why must you forget theirs?

C'mon people! Grow a set of balls and get with the program!

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