Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Ellen DeGeneres vs. Mutts and Moms

Ellen is "in the dog house" according to mass media because she gave her dog away to her hair dresser since Iggy (her dog) just wasn't working out with the living situation. She cried and sobbed because Iggy was taken back by the non-profit organization where Iggy came from. Her hair dresser's two daughters had already bonded with Iggy; Mutts and Moms took Iggy away because Ellen had violated an agreement - a contract she had signed with Mutts and Moms. If things weren't working out, she was to return Iggy to them. She gave Iggy to people who would care for him and provide a good home for him - and not return him to a cage where there's very little much-needed attention given. Mutts and Moms could care less that a celebrity did what they felt was best... so they're giving Ellen crap. They won't even come back with a response to this. It was enough for me to see and hear Ellen cry wholeheartedly for the first time to know her intentions were good. Screw Mutts and Moms - and what the hell kind of name is that anyway? What, are they into seeing moms screw mutts or something? Ellen, don't let someone that small get you down. If anything, you should shut them down and give away all their mutts to good families.

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