Monday, September 24, 2007

Gays and Lesbians dropping like flies from TV

A slight decline in the number of gay/ lesbian characters on TV has recently caught the attention of the LGBT and GLAAD communities. I wouldn't say it's a bad thing, but it does kind of strike me as a strange occurence. Actually, just the other day while watching one of the last episodes to Season 6 of Smallville, I was commenting in my head that it's nice how much strong lesbian and gay characters have been appearing on TV. Although she's gone, Rosie O'Donnell should still be considered one for when she was on The View. It's one thing to portray a gay/lesbian/bi character, but it's another thing to stand up for what you believe in and be who you are in front of millions of people of which many of them can be overly critical of the fact that you're that upfront about it. ABC is currently the broadcasting network with the most shows involving gay/lesbian characters as they "show their support." That's fine... but what's all the fuss about the decline? It's not that anyone is saying they're getting rid of them altogether. Who's making all the hoopla about it anyway? LGBT? GLAAD? Being a part of the LGBT community I can say this: You're here to help us have equal rights, not pick fights.

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