Thursday, March 20, 2008

Clinton's schedule as First Lady - WE MUST KNOW!

It's plastered all over CNN and FOX News. "Click here to see Clinton's schedule as First Lady." "Click here to see where Clinton was during Bill's sexual encounter with Monica Lewinsky." Give me a freakin' break people! ALERT THE MEDIA!!! Hillary Clinton was in the White House when Bill and Monica were getting friendly with a cigar! Have they gone mad? This was 10 years ago! Let... it... GO! I don't care where she was when Bill was thinking up ways to say, "I... did not... have sexual relations with that woman." What the hell does that have to do with her present-day advance in the elections? Oh that's right! Sorry-ass Obama has to think up ways to side-track her to make her lose focus. All he's accomplished is helping those who can't stand him to not be able to stand him even more... AND gave us all a good laugh. CNN, shame on you for even allowing this in your headlines. The Whaaaambulance stopped and took a good look and decided to leave you, the media, on the sidewalk because you're too pathetic to even be picked up and treated. There is no hope for you.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

A month away, and no word?

Nearly a month later after my last post... NOTHING has changed. Well, except that I've put on some weight, but hey, that's what overeating due to boredom causes.

I wish I could say that things have improved at my job, but they haven't. I'm still babysitting. One of the bad apples has recently spread the word that they're going to be working for our firm on a contractural basis for the next four months at around two days a week. After that, no more! It could mean less stress for me, but that's not the case. We're going to be relocating to a new office this summer, and the planning and organizing falls solely on my shoulders. whoop-de-fucking-whoop.

So far, the part I have been hating the most about work is answering the damn phone. About 70% of the callers are rude and never give their name when they ask for someone in the office. Those who do give their name drag it out to be a life story - by the time they're saying what company they're calling from, I'm ready to hang up. I have to move on to better things to complain about I guess.

My mom and I email each other everyday. Today, we've talked about what would happen to her if my dad were to die and visa versa. She's put it in black and white what she wants to have done when she passes away and even discussed her life insurance. As awkward and painful as it was to discuss it, I was glad she talked to me about it because now I know exactly how much she trusts me. We've also been going over how bitter we are with my brother and sister-in-law. I'm seemingly having a tougher time getting past their ways of living as heartless idiots, not to say my mom isn't, but she has a more practical approach to things than I do.

I've made a lot of decisions in the past two hours concerning my family. One is that I will never reconcile with my brother because of my sister-in-law. They care more about money; at the same time they go around acting like they're "holier than thou" and they're such good Christians, yet that talk so much crap! I shouldn't be surprised really. They seem to care only about themselves and money. After hearing and knowing all of what my mom had done for him, I'm almost completely ashamed to call him my brother.

Family feuds suck.

Work sucks.

Shit happens.